Event management & registration that stays out of the way

When you see up to 500-700 people at any given event, how do you quickly and effectively conduct swim tests with your aquatic event staff? What if you wanted to see an overall history of a person - what events they attended? how many swim tests they’ve taken? - we've given Carrigan Farms that and more...

  • Web Design
  • Laravel Development
  • DevOps
  • Laravel
  • Livewire
  • Postgres
  • TailwindCSS

Data-Driven Agro-Tourism

We created a mobile-first, responsive platform that would allow lifeguards to administer swim tests as well as create an event history for every participant at a Carrigan Farms spring/summer event which we produced using Laravel and Livewire to give the application a single page feel, without the single page complexity allowing for rapid iteration and speed to market.

Carrigan Farms is able to use the data acquired through this application operationally to plan staff and event capacity needs and also this data can be exported to marketing applications for retargeting and event promotion

"Working with systemseven takes our web development to the next level. We couldn’t be more happier with the app"

— Kelly Carrigan, Carrigan Farms
  • Carrigan Farms - Event Management Project Image 1
  • Carrigan Farms - Event Management Project Image 2
  • Carrigan Farms - Event Management Project Image 3
  • Carrigan Farms - Event Management Project Image 4